Source code for pyclip.win_clip

#  Copyright 2021 Spencer Phillip Young
#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#     You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#     limitations under the License.
Provides clipboard functionality for Windows via the ``pywin32`` package

from typing import Union, Dict, Tuple, Any
import os
import ctypes
from .base import ClipboardBase, ClipboardSetupException
import warnings
import time
    import win32clipboard as _win32clipboard
    import win32con as _win32con
except ImportError:
    _win32clipboard = None
    _win32con = None

_TIMEOUT = 0.05

    value: name
    for name, value in ((n, getattr(_win32clipboard, n)) for n in dir(_win32clipboard) if n.startswith('CF_'))

[docs]class UnparsableClipboardFormatException(Exception): ...
[docs]class ClipboardNotTextFormatException(Exception): ...
class _Win32Clipboard: """ Class for handling lower level details of managing Windows Clipboard """ def __init__(self): self._clip = _win32clipboard self._is_open = False def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def open(self, *, _timeout=None): import pywintypes if self._is_open: return self try: self._clip.OpenClipboard() self._is_open = True except pywintypes.error as e: if e.winerror == 5: if _timeout: if time.time() < _timeout: time.sleep(0.001) return else: raise else: t = time.time() + _TIMEOUT time.sleep(0.001) return return self def close(self): import pywintypes try: self._clip.CloseClipboard() self._is_open = False except pywintypes.error as e: if e.winerror == 1418: self._is_open = False return raise def _get_format_name(self, fmt): if fmt in _CF_FORMATS: return _CF_FORMATS.get(fmt) return self._clip.GetClipboardFormatName(fmt) def _enumerate_clipboard_formats(self): """ Clipboard must already be open to use this! """ formats = [] fmt = self._clip.EnumClipboardFormats() formats.append(fmt) while True: fmt = self._clip.EnumClipboardFormats(fmt) if fmt == 0: break formats.append(fmt) return formats def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self._clip, item)
[docs]class WindowsClipboard(ClipboardBase): def __init__(self): if _win32clipboard is None or _win32con is None: raise ClipboardSetupException("pywin32 must be installed to use this library on Windows platform.") self._clipboard = _Win32Clipboard() @property def _string_formats(self): return 1, 13, 0x0081, 7 @property def _implemented_formats(self): implemented = [15, 11] implemented.extend(self._string_formats) return implemented
[docs] def copy(self, data: Union[str, bytes], encoding=None): """Copy given string into system clipboard.""" with self._clipboard as clip: clip.EmptyClipboard() # we clear the clipboard to become the clipboard owner if isinstance(data, str): clip.SetClipboardText(data, 13) elif isinstance(data, bytes): data = ctypes.create_string_buffer(data) clip.SetClipboardData(11, data) else: raise TypeError(f"data must be str or bytes, not {type(data)}")
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the clipboard contents :return: """ with self._clipboard as clip: clip.EmptyClipboard() return
def _handle_dibv5(self, data): return data[:-1] def _handle_format(self, fmt, data): if fmt == 11: return self._handle_dibv5(data) if fmt == 15: return self._handle_hdrop(data) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown format: {fmt}") def _handle_hdrop(self, data: Tuple[str, ]) -> bytes: if not isinstance(data, tuple): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type for HDROP. Data must be tuple, not {type(data)}") if len(data) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Currently HDROP paste is only supported for single files. It appears multiple files or directories were specified") if len(data) < 1: raise ValueError("Data unexpectedly empty") fname = data[0] if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise ValueError("Can only paste files. Did you copy a directory?") with open(fname, 'rb') as f: return def _get_all_formats(self) -> Dict[Tuple[int, str], Any]: # pragma: no cover """ Unused. Useful for debugging. :return: """ import pywintypes d = {} formats = self._clipboard._enumerate_clipboard_formats() with self._clipboard as clip: for fmt in formats: name = self._clipboard._get_format_name(fmt) try: d[(fmt, name)] = clip.GetClipboardData(fmt) except pywintypes.error as e: if e.winerror == 0: warnings.warn(f"Could not retrieve clipboard data for format {name} ({fmt}). Skipping.") continue raise return d
[docs] def paste(self, encoding: str = None, text: bool = None, errors: str = None) -> Union[str, bytes]: """ Returns clipboard contents :param encoding: same meaning as in ``bytes.encode``. Implies ``text=True`` :param text: if True, bytes object will be en :param errors: same meaning as in ``bytes.encode``. Implies ``text=True``. :return: clipboard contents. Return value is bytes by default or str if any of ``encoding``, ``text``, or ``errors`` is provided. """ with self._clipboard as clip: format = clip.EnumClipboardFormats() if format == 0: if text or encoding or errors: return '' else: return b'' if format not in _CF_FORMATS: all_formats = self._clipboard._enumerate_clipboard_formats() acceptable_formats = [f for f in all_formats if f in self._implemented_formats] if not acceptable_formats: raise UnparsableClipboardFormatException("Clipboard contents have no standard formats available. " "The contents can only be understood by a private program") if (text or encoding or errors) and format not in self._string_formats: raise ClipboardNotTextFormatException("Clipboard has no text formats available, but text options " "were specified.") format = max(acceptable_formats) d = clip.GetClipboardData(format) if format not in self._string_formats and format in self._implemented_formats: return self._handle_format(format, d) if isinstance(d, str): if format in self._string_formats: d = d.rstrip('\x00') # string formats are null-terminated if not (text or encoding or errors): return d.encode() # even though the windows API returned a string # We convert back to bytes for API consistency here return d